What We Do

RPM is the Certifying Partner with SAFE Work Manitoba for the trucking industry.

Safety certification is a process by which employers are recognized for meeting a standard of Occupational Health & Safety. This standard has been established by SAFE Work Manitoba, and is known as SAFE Work Certified.

RPM is the certifying partner for the trucking industry and awards the Trucking Certificate of Recognition to companies who meet the SAFE Work Certified standard.

RPM’s purpose is to work with you in developing/enhancing your company’s Occupational Health & Safety program.  The certification process requires every workplace, regardless of size, to demonstrate the implementation of a comprehensive and effective safety and health program based on three safety essentials and their correlating measures.  Our program is funded via a levy incorporated into your company’s WCB premiums, therefore, there are no additional charges for any training or services we offer.

What are the benefits of obtaining safety and health certification?

For employers, the potential long-term benefits of obtaining safety and health certification for their workplaces can include:

  • a safer and healthier workplace
  • better control of workplace hazards
  • reduction in workplace injuries and illnesses
  • improved employee engagement and productivity
  • potential long term reduction in WCB premiums

Companies that become SAFE Work Certified are eligible to receive a prevention rebate of the greatest of 15% of their premium or $3,000, to a maximum of 75% of their assessment premium. For example, an eligible employer who paid $4,000 in premiums for a given year, would receive a $3,000 rebate annually, representing 75% of their premiums. An eligible employer who paid $100,000 in premiums for a given year, would receive a rebate of $15,000 annually, or 15% of their premiums.

Don’t just take our word for;  watch the testimonial videos below from companies who have achieved SAFE Work certification through RPM: Trucking Industry Safety!